
murmurations is an experimental sound art project about field recordings and the immateriality of memory

unless otherwise stated, all field recordings on this site are by luz blumenfeld and were recorded between 2009 and 2024

on this site, you get to decide which field recordings you want to listen to and for however long you want to listen to them,
there is no wrong or right way to use this website for listening, it’s up to you

if you want to layer them, you can open this site in multiple windows and play them simultaneously

you can also listen to the field recordings in their original form as episodes of a radio program, episode one: bodies of water and episode two: liminal spaces
credits for the field recordings used in those episodes are all listed in the descriptions

This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
this means that you can copy or redistribute these field recordings in any medium/format,
and you can also remix, transform, and/or build upon them - as long as you credit this project as “murmurations, luz blumenfeld”
in fact, I would like to invite you to build upon these field recordings in any way you’re interested in. downloads available here.

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